Study plan Academy Preparation Program - Animated Film – 1st year

Study programme: Academy Preparation Program
Study type: Lifelong learning
Study plan: overall | 1st year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Required subjects
Animation of Drawings
309FIAD1 Z 4 2T 309FIAD2 ZK 4 2T
Body Animation and Mask - Animation Actor
309FIBA1 Z 2 2T 309FIBA2 ZK 2 2T
Dimensions of Animation
309FIDA1 Z 3 2T 309FIDA2 Z 3 2T
Double Role
Tomáš DORUŠKA, Michael GAHUT, Valerio Antonio MENDOZA GUILLÉN, Priit POHJALA 
311DR Z 2
Experimental animation
309FIEX1 Z 3 2T 309FIEX2 ZK 3 2T
Masterclasses with czech directors of animated films
309FIMD1 Z 3 2SO 309FIMD2 Z 3 2SO
Stop-motion animation cut out
309FISC1 Z 5 4T 309FISC2 ZK 5 3T
Stop-animation puppet animation
309FISP1 Z 5 4T 309FISP2 ZK 5 3T
Visual Expression and figural drawing
309FIVE1 Z 3 3T 309FIVE2 ZK 3 3T
Minimal number of credits per semester 30 28
Elective subjects
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 30 28
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 0 2
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30