Academy Preparation Program Electives

Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule Completion Credits Range Semester
311AT0 Acting Theories
English ZK 3 2T winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311CEW0 Central European Cinemas within the Context of the World Cinema
English ZK 3 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
311CHCC Chapters from Contemporary Cinema
English ZK 2 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
306KDSS Chapters from the History of Film Editing
English Z 2 2PT summer Subject is not scheduled
306KDSS1 Chapters from the History of Film Editing 1
English Z 2 2PT summer Subject is not scheduled
311CIRM Circulating within The Modern Cinematic Image
English ZK 3 4T winter Subject is not scheduled
311CIRP Circulating within The Postmodern Cinematic Image
English ZK 3 4T summer Subject is not scheduled
311CRW1 Creative Writing 1
English Z 2 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
311CRW2 Creative Writing 2
English Z 2 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311CTP1 Cultural Topography of Prague 1
English Z 1 30S winter Subject is not scheduled
311CTP2 Cultural Topography of Prague 2
English Z 1 35S summer Subject is not scheduled
311CAF Czech Avant-garde Film
English ZK 2 28S summer Subject is not scheduled
311CNW Czech New Wave
English ZK 3 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
309FIDA1 Dimensions of Animation 1
English Z 3 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
309FIDA2 Dimensions of Animation 1
English Z 3 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311EFS2 Essential Elements of Film Sound 2
English Z 2 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311FSF1 Film Style and Form 1
English ZK 3 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
311FSF2 Film Style and Form 2
English ZK 3 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311FTU0 Filming the Unfilmable
English ZK 3 2T winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311FFG Fundamentals of FIlm Grammar
English Z 2 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
311FFG2 Fundamentals of Film Grammar 2
English Z 2 2ST summer Subject is not scheduled
311GE0 Genre and Experimentation: Central European Cinema in Context
English ZK 3 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311AF History of Avant-garde Film
English ZK 3 28S summer Subject is not scheduled
311HDCG History, Development and Characteristic of Genres
English ZK 3 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
309FIMD1 Masterclasses with czech directors of animated films 1
English Z 3 2SO winter Subject is not scheduled
309FIMD2 Masterclasses with czech directors of animated films 1
English Z 3 2SO summer Subject is not scheduled
311PIN Photographic Imaging
English ZK 3 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311PHN Photonarration
English Z 1 10S winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
307EPC1 Picture and its context 1
English Z 2 winter Subject is not scheduled
307EPC2 Picture and its context 2
English Z 2 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311PARA Prague Paranoia
English Z 1 winter Subject is not scheduled
311REM0 Realm of Montage
English ZK 3 2T winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311SA1 Script Analysis 1
English Z 3 24S winter Subject is not scheduled
311SAL2 Script Analysis 2
English ZK 3 28S summer Subject is not scheduled
311FIA1 Shooting exercise of FI - assistance 1
English Z 1 24P winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311FIA2 Shooting exercise of FI - assistance 2
English Z 2 48P winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311FIA3 Shooting exercise of FI - assistance 3
English Z 3 72P winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311FIA4 Shooting exercise of FI - assistance 4
English Z 4 96P winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311FIA5 Shooting exercise of FI - assistance 5
English Z 5 120P winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311SFP1 Short Film Practical Analysis: Directing 1
English ZK 3 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
311SFP2 Short Film Practical Analysis: Directing 2
English ZK 3 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
305SRU Showrunners
English, Czech ZK 2 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
311SAE Soundtrack Aesthetics
English Z 2 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311TSPR Technical Sound Production
English Z 1 12S winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311FSPA The History of Film Space
English ZK 2 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311TDD Tools of Directing Documentary
English Z 2 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
311TDD2 Tools of Directing Documentary 2
English Z 2 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
311UFP Understanding FIlm Production
English Z 3 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
311VT0 Visual Theory
English ZK 3 2T winter and summer Subject is not scheduled