Post Production Management 2
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky | Semestr |
311PPM2 | zápočet | 3 | 2 hodiny výuky týdně (45 minut), 54 až 69 hodin domácí příprava | anglicky | letní |
Garant předmětu
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)
Dimitrios POLYZOS
Předmět zajišťuje FAMU International
Students should develop an understanding of the post production process and the basic skills to deliver a project from start to finish. The course is designed to provide a strong base in all the different areas that are key in post management, from technical, scheduling and budgetary information, to building relationships within the industry. This includes understanding the relationship between media and project files, media storage locations, technical protocols, transfer of video and audio assets, versioning, deliverables, work ethics and etiquette. They will also get introduced to most common post production workflows (Picture & Sound).
This class is an expansion of the class Post Production Management 1 from the fall semester.
With the Picture & VFX workflow, students will learn about all the different elements a Post Management team member needs to know about - Offline/Online workflow, grading, mastering, deliverables and documentation. The VFX workflow will be broken down into chunks and explain not only different types and workflows but getting a proper insight of how to schedule, budget & track this essential element of Post.
The same for Sound Post, students will delve into what Sound teams receive from set and what needs to be added afterwards, breaking sound down into its component parts to fully explain the value each one adds. The roles of different people in the sound department will be explained in connection to their role in post and the different workflows applied will be explained. Further to this theme of sound, we will also look at the role that music plays and how to understand the contractual/budgeting/scheduling requirements of both Score and Source music.
Finally the class will explore the least glamorous, but possibly the most important role of the Post Management team - budgeting, tracking costs and scheduling as well as the contractual law that is involved with Artist/Crew/Business contracts as much as clearances of all types - music, picture and product.
During this semester, students will visit an Image Lab where they’ll have a module regarding image post production and VFX.
Výsledky učení
Students should get familiar with the fundamentals of Post Production Management - from how Post Production has evolved, to the basics of how a Post Production office works and the differing roles within it. How a project is managed from the start of a production to the finish. how the Post Management Team works effectively with producers and directors, navigates codes of conduct and keeps a firm hold of schedules, budgets and deal negotiations.
Předpoklady a další požadavky
Knowledge of the fields covered in Post Production Management 1.
- Kodak: The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers,
- Video Post-Production Guide,
- Avid: Avid High-Resolution Workflow Guide,
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
The lecturer assess students participation and work in course of the class.
Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2024/2025:
Rozvrh zatím není připraven
Rozvrh na letní semestr 2024/2025:
Po |
Út |
St |
Čt |
Pá |
Datum | Den | Čas | Vyučující | Místo | Poznámky | Č. paralelky |
St | 09:00–10:35 | Dimitrios POLYZOS | Učebna 6 (FAMU) Lažanský palác |
přednášková par. 1 |
Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů
- Academy Preparation Program - Editing (Povinné předměty)